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To become truly successful,
a business must develop leaders
throughout the organization

The Total Leader

LMI Total Leader Concept - Randy Slechta

LMI Total Leader Concept - Randy Slechta

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As the world of business continually changes and evolves, the need for effective leaders also skyrockets. To become a truly empowering enterprise, a business must develop leaders throughout the organization. In fact, the organization of the future is one where everyone is a leader. It is only when people can lead themselves that they can genuinely be creative and innovative.

These beliefs led to the creation of the Total Leader Concept … a dynamic and innovative development process that focuses on magnifying potential and creating great leaders. The process addresses four critical levels that a person must master in order to become a Total Leader.

Personal Productivity

Personal Productivity is the foundation of all effective leadership and a basic aspect of human nature, yet many people lack the direction they need to achieve their desired results.



Our development process will help members of your organization:

  • Evaluate their attitude and make productive behavioral changes

  • Proactively develop goals versus reactively dealing with crisis

  • Set goals and achieve results

  • Increase productivity by determining priorities

  • Communicate more effectively

  • Deal with interruptions

  • Become a team player

  • Thrive in a learning environment

Personal Leadership is the core of an individual’s character. It’s a quality that is exemplified when a person represents an organization in the outside world or interacts with others in the organization. Personal motivation and self-image are key to how one performs, responds, and leads.

Personal Leadership

Our training will help your individuals:


  • Realize personal leadership potential by building upon strengths and improving self-image

  • Make more successful choices by overcoming past conditioning

  • Increase self-motivation by altering attitudes, behaviors and habits

  • Develop a written and specific Plan of Action for success

Motivational Leadership

Motivational Leadership is the ability to lead and motivate others; unfortunately, many people lack the necessary traits to execute these skills. 

We’ll enable you to increase innovation by helping you and your team:

  • Understand what it takes to become an effective motivational leader

  • Develop and communicate a vision for the future

  • Create winning teams that can evolve with the business world

  • Promote growth and advancement

  • Establish an organization of leaders

Strategic Leadership is the ability to define and develop the purpose of the organization, determine its key strategies, select the right people for the right roles, and oversee the processes required to achieve success.

Strategic Leadership

We will help you:

  • Clarify your strategic purpose (why you exist)

  • Complete a comprehensive strategic assessment (where you stand now)

  • Create your strategic development (where you want to go)

  • Implement your strategic execution (make it happen)

We work with ambitious leaders who want to define the future and courageously face it – head on!
Together, we can change the world.
Your clients have accomplished absolutely fantastic results from your facilitation and coaching of our programs. Through your facilitation, your clients have achieved numerous awards, including our prestigious World Client of the Year. Every client of yours that I have talked to considered themselves extremely fortunate to have worked with you.

Randy Slechter, CEO, LMI-Leadership Management International

NJ, USA | London, UK | POS, Trinidad & Tobago | 609-403-6785

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